Saturday, December 20, 2008

Group Spiritual Direction

You are invited! Remember to register for group spiritual direction in 2009. You may register solo or with friends. See the Oct. 31 post below for more details.

Don't forget -- there's a pre-presbytery event on January 20th at 4:00 to learn more about Group Spiritual direction. As I told someone on the phone yesterday, group direction is individual direction done in a group setting, with all the benefits that provides. I find that as other group members prayerfully listen to my faith journey, and I to theirs, we discern together what God is doing in our midst. And, if you enjoy seeing God at work, it's a lot of fun! I hope to see you there.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Feasting and Fasting in Advent

We were treated to a prayer time on Tuesday, led by Elaine Swigart, on feasting and fasting. First we shared food together in silence. We were encouraged to connect with each other with our eyes as we ate. Then we spent some time thinking and talking about feasting and fasting. When have we fasted? What was that like? Mindful that we are in the season of Advent, we ended with quiet reflection on what it is we would like to feast on in this season, and from what we would choose to fast. It was certainly food for thought -- and food for the soul. Thanks, Elaine!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Practicing the Examen

Our November SFMT prayer time used the Examen, an Ignatian practice, to guide our time together. The Examen was recommended by Ignatius of Loyola in his Spiritual Exercises and has been popularized by the book "Sleeping with Bread" by the Linns (see below).

The examen is prayed this way.
  • Once a day -- or more or less often, if you choose -- we are invited to begin by offering prayers of thanks for our day.
  • Then we ask two simple questions as we prayerfully review the experience of our day in the light of God's great love for us: Where have I noticed God's presence? When have I been aware of ignoring/not including God in my day?
  • If I am led to ask for forgiveness, I do so.
  • The time is closed with a prayer of thanksgiving for the day that has been and prayers for God's guidance for the day to come.
The Linns offer this as a family practice, inviting us to share with one another the best part of our day, and the worst part of our day, offer forgiveness to each other, and close with prayer together.

The examen is a simple, but powerful tool for self discovery. It can help us notice patterns of behavior that lead us away from God, as well as patterns that nourish our relationship with God.

Dennis, Sheila & Mathew Linn "Sleeping with Bread: Holding What Gives You Life" Paulist Press, 1995.
The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola, as translated by David L. Fleming. S. J. in "Draw Me Into Your Friendship: The Spiritual Exercises, a literal and a contemporary reading" The Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1996

Friday, October 31, 2008

Spiritual Direction Opportunity

Come experience spiritual community, discernment and spiritual care through small group spiritual direction. Groups of 3-6 of our clergy peers will meet for five monthly, two hour sessions starting in February 2009. These groups will be facilitated by a trained Presbyterian Spiritual Director. You can form your own group and we will provide a facilitator --- or just sign up and we’ll place you in a group!

What is Group Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction is the common name given to an ancient spiritual discipline of discernment. It’s both a process of being attentive to the work of the Holy Spirit in one’s life and an art of Christian conversation and listening.

“Prayerful silence nurtures discernment in group spiritual direction...In group spiritual direction, people often become aware of God’s ways in their hearts as they hear how God seems to be present for others and as they become conscious of God’s presence with them as a group. In group spiritual direction, people learn to listen to God’s Spirit at work in them for others in the group.” Rose Mary Dougherty

“Spiritual direction differs from moral guidance, psychological counseling and the practice of confessional, preaching or healing ministries (though having affinities with them) in that it directly assists individuals in developing and cultivating their personal relationship with God.” William A. Barry and William J. Connolly

There will be an information session at 4:00 pm January 20, 2009 at Mercer Island Pres., prior to the presbytery meeting.

Cost? Free! ...due to our volunteer facilitators. A suggested donation of $50.00 to the Spiritual Formation Ministry of the Presbytery, however, would be appreciated.

You can sign up by returning the tear-off section from the flyer in your presbytery packet when you attend the next Presbytery meeting, or by leaving a confidential comment for this blog post with the following information:

Name, Phone #, Email address.
Preference/constraints for geographical area within Presbytery to meet____________________________

_____ I am planning on attending the January 20, 2009 event.
_____ Please assign me to a spiritual direction group!
_____ I may have/have a small group that will need a facilitator.

Sponsored by Spiritual Formation & Clergy Care Ministry Teams

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Praying with Icons

The Spiritual Formation ministry team gathered today and prayed with Rublev's 15th century icon, the Old Testament trinity. This icon is based on Genesis 18:1-16, where Abraham and Sarah show hospitality to the three strangers. These men, whom tradition describe as angels, bless Abraham and Sarah with the promise of a son.

We learned that to pray is to gaze. As we gazed we noticed the trinity (left to right: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.) We noticed the inclination of the heads, the gestures of the hands, the position of the feet. We reflected on color blue - the color of divinity and mystery -- and how that color was most prominent on the Son, and most hidden from our sight on the Father. We noticed that as we gazed we were drawn into the conversation around the table -- the intimate circle included us.

A few quotes from Henri Nouwen's book on praying with icons, "Behold the Beauty of the Lord."

“Icons… are created for the sole purpose of offering access, through the gate of the visible, to the mystery of the invisible. Icons are painted to lead us into the inner room of prayer and bring us close to the heart of God.” P. 14

“…it is important to gaze at the icons with complete attention and to pray with them. Gazing is probably the best word to touch the core of Eastern spirituality. Whereas St. Benedict, who has set the tone of the spirituality of the West, calls us first of all to listen, the Byzantine fathers focus on gazing…” p. 13

And earlier on the same page…about Nouwen’s personal experience: “By giving the icons long and prayerful attention – talking about them ,reading about them, but mostly just gazing at them in silence – I have gradually come to know them by heart. I see them now whether they are physically present or not. I have memorized them as I have memorized the Our Father and the Hail Mary, and I pray with them wherever I go.” P. 13

May God bless you as you pray with this icon.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Time of Prayer Together

Come join the team on Tuesday, October 14th, from 1-2 for a prayer time focused on praying with Rublev's icon of the Old Testament Trinity. We will use the resource "Lord, teach us to pray" to guide our time together.

Also on Tuesday -- noon-1, Presbyterian spiritual directors brown-bag lunch

2 - 2:30 SFMT planning meeting

All of these events will happen at Wedgwood Presbyterian church, 8008 35th Ave NE, Seattle.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Using a Discernment model for church nominating committees

A nominating committee is looking for elders, deacons, or perhaps for persons to serve on a pastor nominating committee. How does it go about its work? If your church is like most, the committee meets, begins with a brief prayer, then starts to work their way through the church directory, figuring out who has served, is serving, or may be qualified and willing to serve in the future. In many ways, the model we use in our churches is a “board of directors” model. We look at a person’s time, talents, and resources – and nominate accordingly. If it weren’t for that prayer at the start and end of the meeting, you could transplant our process to almost any non-profit organization.

At a pre-presbytery event in September, we were introduced to another way of doing the business of the nominating committee: a discernment model. In this five-meeting-model prayer is central. And, often the committee is done with their work after only five meetings. Intrigued? We would love to introduce you and your nominating committee to this process. Just let us know!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Welcome to the SFMT blog!

Greetings, SFMT friends!

Here is a place to share what is happening with our ministry team in Seattle Presbytery.

Our September prayer time was led by Doug Early. He guided us in the use of the Jesus Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
have mercy on me, a sinner.

Using our breath for rhythm, we prayed this prayer silently for 15-20 minutes.

Doug then invited each of us to make our own prayer in the same style: using a name for God that reflects how we address God, and what we would respond if Jesus were to ask us "what do you want me to do for you?" Then we prayed our prayer in the same way we had prayed the Jesus Prayer. An example might be "Savior, heal me" or "Holy One, grant me peace."

These prayer exercises came from the book "Lord, Teach us to Pray" -- a great resource available from the PCUSA:​ (search for "Lord, teach us to pray")
We will use various prayers from this resource in our monthly meetings in the coming months.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, September 16, 4:00 -4:45 "Using discernment with church nominating committees," Calvary Pres., Enumclaw

Tuesday, October 14, 12-1 Presbyterian spiritual directors brown bag lunch, Wedgwood Pres., Seattle

Tuesday, October 14, 1-2 Monthly SFMT prayer time, followed from 2-2:30 by our team meeting, Wedgwood Pres., Seattle

Advent retreat day (date TBD)

An invitation to explore group spiritual direction. Groups will be formed to meet monthly from January - June 2009. Look for publicity in November.