Saturday, December 20, 2008

Group Spiritual Direction

You are invited! Remember to register for group spiritual direction in 2009. You may register solo or with friends. See the Oct. 31 post below for more details.

Don't forget -- there's a pre-presbytery event on January 20th at 4:00 to learn more about Group Spiritual direction. As I told someone on the phone yesterday, group direction is individual direction done in a group setting, with all the benefits that provides. I find that as other group members prayerfully listen to my faith journey, and I to theirs, we discern together what God is doing in our midst. And, if you enjoy seeing God at work, it's a lot of fun! I hope to see you there.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Feasting and Fasting in Advent

We were treated to a prayer time on Tuesday, led by Elaine Swigart, on feasting and fasting. First we shared food together in silence. We were encouraged to connect with each other with our eyes as we ate. Then we spent some time thinking and talking about feasting and fasting. When have we fasted? What was that like? Mindful that we are in the season of Advent, we ended with quiet reflection on what it is we would like to feast on in this season, and from what we would choose to fast. It was certainly food for thought -- and food for the soul. Thanks, Elaine!